Geo Trading Safes
How Do I Find One?
The best way to find one is to leave one. I’m sure most visitors to our site are familiar with the cache hiding phenomenon and the website associated with it. When a cache is placed an “owner” gives it a name and logs its location on that website. They can also start a comments log, for anyone to discuss the condition of the cache, whether or not they found it and what they found inside. This is a great way to keep track of caches that contain GEOs or a GEO trading safe. Another way is to organize a scavenger hunt at your local church or school campus. Geo Patches make for a nice giveaway or reward for youth organization’s activities. Contact us at for special organizational discounts.
If by chance you wanted to organize a local GEO trading group among fellow collectors, after all we run into each other all the time on the trails, unbeknownst to each other. Sewing one of your favorite GEOs on your adventuring hat, backpack or shirt is a great way to secretly meet fellow Geo traders/collectors without alerting a muggle!, You could then, by word of mouth set up a clandestine “dead drop” Geo trading safe. Basically, a trading safe that only your group knows about. An enjoyable, yet easily accessible location is desirable. Preferably in an area that you enjoy going to time and time again. Local Park, botanical garden or the local zoo. You can incorporate a business you enjoy frequenting by telling the owner about our “Speak Easy Trading” opportunity. The GEO Trading safe could help drive new repeat customers to their location. Besides, what business wouldn’t want free advertising? You can read more about that HERE.