Speak Easy

The Speak Easy “dead letter drop” GEO Trading safe can help drive new customers to a small business. Partnering businesses get a free GEO Trading Safe packed with GEOs to place at their location, as well as having their business name and address advertised on our Partnering Business page. (After business verification, of course) Individuals wishing to visit your establishment to trade from the GEO Trading Safe, would say to your cashier or service staff the secret code sentence “Hello my name is ______. I’m a safecracker and I’m Here to see GEO” At which point the employee would retrieve the safe and let the trading begin! Life is too short, might as well have some fun with it. When the “safecracker” is finished trading their GEOs, the trading safe would be returned to its guarded location. If you are a small business owner or know of one, that has a business that would be a good fit with us and would be interested, in our little twist to geocaching? We can be contacted at geoislandtrader@gmail.com and include business partner request in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!

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